teacher training
Teacher Training Level 1Our Teacher Training Level 1 course is a 2 day course designed to provide teachers with the fundamentals of rigging, spotting, and teaching our Grades 1, 2, and 3 elements in Trapeze, Hoop, and Silks. Day 1 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Rigging fundamentals Anatomy Spotting fundamentals Strength, flexibility, and aerial elements for Trapeze Grades 1-3 Day 2 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Strength, flexibility, and aerial elements for Hoop and Silks Grades 1-3 Written exam, spotting, and rigging exam Price includes access to our Online Video Manual for Grades 1-3
Teacher Training Level 2Our Teacher Training Level 2 course is a 2 day course designed to provide teachers with the skills to spot and teach our Grades 4, 5, and 6 elements in Trapeze, Hoop, and Silks. This course also includes an introduction to parter work. Day 1 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Rigging review Spotting styles review Questions about L1 material Strength Grades 4-6 for all apparatus Flexibility Grades 4-6 for all apparatus Trapeze elements Grades 4-6 Day 2 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Hoop elements Grades 4-6 Silks elements Grades 4-6 Partner work Practical rigging exam Practical spotting exam on all three apparatus Price includes access to our online video manual for Grades 1-6
Teacher Training Level 3Our Teacher Training Level 3 course is a 2 day course designed to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to safely spot, and teach our Grades 7, 8, and 9 elements in Trapeze, Hoop, and Silks. This course also includes working with variation and creation. Day 1 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Rigging review Spotting styles review Questions about L2 material Strength Grades 7-9 for all apparatus Flexibility Grades 7-9 for all apparatus Trapeze elements Grades 7-8 Hoop elements Grades 7-8 Day 2 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Silks elements Grades 7-9 Variation and creation. Practical rigging exam Practical spotting exam on all three apparatus Price includes access to our Online Video Manual for Grades 1-9
Level 1 Silks DropsOur brand new Silks Drops series includes 3 levels. Each level is designed to correspond with the skills you students have mastered in each of our Teacher Training levels. Once students have accomplished the material in Grades 1-3 Silks they are prepared to safely take on the elements in the Level 1 Silks Drops course. Day 1 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Rigging review Saltos, Rolls, Drops Level 1 elements Drills for each element Prerequisites for each element Step by step approach for each element Price includes access to our Online Video Manual for Level 1 Silks Drops *Teachers wishing to take the Level 1 Silks Drops Course must have completed the Level 1 Teacher Training Program.
teacher training courses
$900 +gst per Course ($945)
Includes access to our online video manual
$550 + gst per Course ($577.50)
Includes access to our online video manual
online manuals
Certified Teachers' access only​
NEW! Assistant teacher certification
A 4-hour workshop for Students which includes:
Basic anatomy training
The fundamentals of spotting techniques for trapeze, hoop and silks - safely and effectively assist lead teachers in a classroom setting
Rigging fundamentals - identify potential rigging issues and act as a second pair of eyes for lead teachers
An in-depth look at strength and flexibility elements - help students train for growth and injury prevention
Students must be 'sponsored' by a certified teacher
$375 +gst per Course ($393.75)
Includes Assistant Teacher manual